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Occupation of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

...  Bosniak civilian population (mass murders, forced resettlement, illegal arrests, detainment and torture of civilians in concentration camps and prisons, destruction of cities, villages, religious facilities, et ...

Yugoslav People's Army illegal arming of the Serb terrorists

... there was also a major concentration of armament and equipment. Thus, in Renovica, there were 17 underground warehouses of the JNA with major quantities of arms and ammunition delivered by the Serb fascist ...

Chronology of events 1985 to 1995

... of concentration camps set up (JNA military range in Manjaća, Keraterm factory, village of Trnopolje, Omarska mine) through which about 50,000 Bosniaks and Croats will pass by end of summer (many killed).  ...

Unholy Alliance: Greece and Milošević´s Serbia

... urnalists to cover the horrors of Srebrenica, Gorazde, Foca, Zepa, or the concentration camps. Throughout this period, three things stand out that were emblematic for the questionable nature of the medi ...

War in Herzegovina

... of them were deported into concentration camps: Heliodrom, Dretelj, Gabela, Vojno and Šunje. Up till 1993 the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) and Army of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARBiH) had ...

So-called Herzeg-Bosnia

... in general were increasingly harassed. Many of them were deported into concentration camps: Heliodrom, Dretelj, Gabela, Vojno and Šunje. The local HDZ leadership was also included in Geneva peace ta ...

Croat-Bosniak War: Short Chronology

... ian Army. HVO starts to set up concentration camps for Bosniaks mainly civilians. These HVO concentration camps included Heliodrom in Mostaru, Dretelj, Gabelu and many others. 12. June 1993. HVO Kise ...
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