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Well, I am very much a genocide denier, and I’m proud of it and I can say why. Yes, because what happened was not a genocide. Note that denying “genocide” means denying an interpretation, not the facts, whatever they are.

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During a lecture at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade on the topic of "Review of Serbian-Canadian Relations and Allied Connections" has stated that: No genocide was committed in Srebrenica, because

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The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović received in his Office retired officers and wartime commanders of the Croatian Defence Council (HVO), including General Tihomir Blaškić a wartime Commander

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The UN General Assembly adopted the resolution (document A/78/L.67/Rev.1) on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica. The resolution based on the

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Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik is taking provocative steps to neutralize international oversight in Bosnia and secure de facto secession for his Republika Srpska. His action could prompt leaders of the Bosniak

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American Jewish Committee (AJC) today expressed deep concern about the efforts of some political factions in Bosnia-Herzegovina to remove the country’s legal ban on denial of the Holocaust and other genocides.

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A self-styled “Independent” International Commission of Inquiry appointed at the initiative of a separatist, genocide-denying Bosnian Serb leader and headed by an Israeli academic with a record of exaggerated

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The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, received a delegation of the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia, led by the President of the Club, retired General Milomir Miladinović.

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