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  • Historical Maps

    Historical Maps

    A collection of historical maps covering the Bosnian (and Herzegovinian) history from its beginning to our days. The following is a list of maps published in various historical atlases.
  • Serb held concentration camps

    Serb held concentration camps

    Multimedia map covering locations of the Serb held concentration camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.
  • Croat held concentration camps

    Croat held concentration camps

    Multimedia map covering locations of the Croat held concentration camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Medieval II Total War - Kingdom of Bosnia Mod


Srebrenica school playground shelling (12. April 1993)

On 12 April 1993 a Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) artillery attack of two short bombardments on Srebrenica left 56 dead, including children, and 73 seriously wounded. Shells dropped on the densely packed streets

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Srebrenica - A Cry from the Grave

Srebrenica, Bosnia, the world's first United Nations Safe Area, was the site of the worst case of genocide in Europe since World War II. In July 1995, the Bosnian Serb army staged a brutal takeover of the

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The Greek Way

This documentary was made by Ingeborg Beugel, and proves the involvement of Greece in the Srebrenica-massacre and the Yugoslav-war. In the film Ms. Beugel has an encounter with Mr.Alexandros

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Early History

Stećci - Bosnian monumental medieval tombstones

Stećci are monumental medieval tombstones that lie scattered across the landscape of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are the country's most legendary symbol. These are the tombstones of those who lived between the

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Conversion to Islam in the Balkans

The conquest of the Balkans was accomplished in the space of little more than a century and in two stages—1352 to 1402 and 1415 to 1467. The main reason for the relatively faster pace of the conquest of this region,

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Austro-Hungarian Rule

Russia and the Habsburg monarchy had vied for political and economic influence in Southeastern Europe since the eighteenth century. Ottoman weakness, growing Russian influence in the area, and the realization that

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Modern History

Dispatches report: Greater Croatia

A report on how the hard-line Croatian government helped mastermind the break-up of Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to create a new Croatian mini-state and how the international community let it get away with it.

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2. - 3. May 1992

"Bosnia or Death" is an untold story of 2nd and 3rd May 1992, the historic days of crucial importance for the defense of the city of Sarajevo and the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These fateful events in this

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The Revival and Escalation of the Greater Serbia

The Serbian intellectual, political, and military leadership had kept itself in place by abusing the name “Yugoslavia”, by way of which, since as early as 1918, it had enjoyed full supremacy over this

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Current Affairs

Milorad Dodik awards awards Russian President Putin medal in absentia

"The Bosnian Serb separatist leader on Sunday awarded Russian President Vladimir Putin with the highest medal of honor for his “patriotic concern and love” for the Serb-controlled half of Bosnia.

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Serbian PM Ana Brnabic: Srebrenica 'a terrible crime,' not genocide

The Srebrenica massacre in 1995 was "a hideous crime, it was a war crime" Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on this week’s edition of DW’s political talk show Conflict Zone. Brnabic emphasized that "it was a terrible,

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The "Genocide Papers" project was financed directly from the budget of the Srebrenica Memorial Center, without the support of external donors, and we are proud that most of the project implementation relies on the internal

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